Buzz (a poem)

He was the only bum in town

The market lazily cornered my whole life

A free range sailor on forever leave 

He interrupted town parades

Attended every funeral 

Hat in hand and over his heart

He’d catch a tan on Naranche hill 

Pint of gin in one hand and a stray in another 

Old habits die when we do

His age was a topic of debate

Only being halved

to study the rings 

would suffice

When I was six and twenty I found Buzz

Late sitting at the bar in the Cav.

His beard was different.  Or was it? 

34 years of memory kinks a lot of cable 

I bought him a bud and he bought me one back

Buzz drives the yellow cab

He tells me it’s the only one in town

Community.  It’s too crowded

He lost his gig with the bubble

He was the only bum no longer 


Nathan Truzzolino is the author of Middle of The End: A Novel available on now.


Gold Watch (short story)


Wake at Club 13